Collect and combine data to get an accurate accounting of how time is spent, including:
Create a direct and clear connection between issues on the shop floor and your support team members. Fix problems quickly with accurate real-time insights.
Understand performance trends to uncover your biggest opportunities for improvement. Make sure your projects are delivering the desired results.
Raven Sense™ industrial tablets capture data from your machines and context from your operators. The Raven Sense™ cloud platform connects to your ERP and cleans and maps data from all sources to create an accurate timeline of activities for your process.
Raven Flight™ guides actions to address problems as they happen using team displays and mobile alerts. Increased situational awareness and sensitivity to production losses elevates the importance of production losses organizationally.
Raven Flight™ analytics and reporting provides personalized and actionable feedback to the entire production team, enabling them to maximize the impact of their efforts. Custom report configurations integrate Raven data into your existing management processes
Real-time Data Collection
Collect and aggregate data from your machines, people and ERP.
Real-time Guidance and Alerting
Clear and timely guidance from true insights to drive actions to improve.
Customized Reports and Dashboards
Configure custom reports and dashboards to integrate with existing management processes.
Automated Data Cleaning
Proprietary algorithms clean and map data from multiple sources to maximize data accuracy.
Overall Equipment Efficiency Monitoring
Continuously measure productivity and exceed performance targets.
Changeover Management
Improve changeover management abilities with data.